The inner voice
Are we alone in this difficult, heavy and almost unbearable life ?
Are we alone when we have grieve, there an emptiness in our life is and pain suffers ?
Are we alone when we’ve been hurt, disappointed and being hurt ?
Are we alone as we our solitary and feel abandoned and your world seems to fall a part ?
Are we alone when we no longer see clear and wants to make an end of our lives ?
Are we protected against dangers and all negative influences ?
Is us the way pointed to take the correct choices and decisions ?
Are we loved such as a father and a mother loves his/her children ?
In short do we stand alone in this life ?
No !!! We are not alone in this life. There is something/someone who leads us and talks to us, only we do not hear that voice often because we are ignoring this because we do not trust this pure and protecting voice which not contradict you and let you act according to the free will/choice. This/these voice is present in our sub consciousness (to see meditation, sub consciousness). This voice is the inner voice, the voice of within that always have the bests with you and loves you and protects you if you listen. Our inner control are neutral, equitable, loving, pure, all-knowing and knows and is the truth. It is you first and oldest friend who has been always at you present and never will disappear. It loves you in an unconditional manner also what ever you do in life. This is the solidarity between you and your oldest friend, your divine core. The voice within. Learn to know him, learn to listen to him, belief and trust him and thank him time after time. If this intense love is/becomes consciously reciprocal your emptiness inside you will be filled and is you’ll never be alone anymore !!! Speak now in yourself honest and sincerely, "kind voice, I love you", "kind voice, I listen to you", "kind voice, as from now I will trusts you", "kind voice, I believe in you", "kind voice, as from now I will be one with you", "kind voice, you are my best friend".
When you no longer see it clearly, you’re feeling solitary and empty, abandoned and left alone, sad and disappointed and no longer can live on own your strength through life, look inside in yourself into your soul and trusts the voice within like below in a song of Christina Aguilera the words concerning the voice of within is described. Dear people you’re not alone !!!
The Voice Within
Young man/girl don't cry, I 'll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young man/girl it's all right, your tears will dry you'll soon be free to fly
When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream
of a place where nothing's harder than it seems.
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
all the heartache life can bring and what it means.
When there's no one else, look inside your self
like your oldest friend, trust the voice within.
Then you'll find the strength, that will guide your way
you'll learn to begin, to trust the voice within.
Young man/girl don't hide, you'll never change if you just run away
Young man/girl just hold tight, soon you gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
it's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid.
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
when you're lost outside look inside to your soul.
When there's no one else, look inside your self
like your oldest friend, trust the voice within.
Then you'll find the strength, that will guide your way
you will learn to begin, to trust the voice within.
Life is a journey it can take you anywhere you choose to go.
As long as you're learning you'll find all you'll ever need to know.
You'll break it.
You'll make it.
Just don't forsake it
because no one can stop you
you know that I'm talking to you.
When there's no one else, look inside your self
and like your oldest friend, just trust the voice within.
Then you'll find the strength, that will guide your way
you'll learn to begin, to trust the voice within.
Oh young man/girl don't cry, I'll be right here when your world starts to fall.