
Use the time which is available not for unimportant things. Be economically,
so that every day brings new grow, insight and awareness. Inch by inch, in a
such tempo that will not frighten you, but rather will desire you to the next
step. Do not use that grow for egoistic aims, but use her for the time which is
still future. Do not permit that a day goes by without something is added what
you already knows. Let every day contribute to the maturation process. Do not
rest before you have done what you had planned. Go as slowly as necessary to
apprehend a balanced tempo. Waste no energy. Finally avoid fanaticism and
excludes nothing.

Philosophy of grow
Do not waste your time in a attempt to heal everyone.
Work on your own mental patterns and heal yourself.
This will improve itself for everyone in your surroundings.
We cannot force others to change.
We can offer/give them an sphere of positive ideas in which
they have the possibility to change if they want to, but they
are not able to do it for other people.
Each individual is here to workout his own lessons and if they
do it for them they simply must do it again because they did
not elaborated that what was important for themselves.
Everything what we can do are leave them in their values.
Give them the room to be who they are.
Know that truth always is present inside them and that they
can change at each desired moment.