- Creating a New World -

Now you have come this far I have only one question to you, are you still prepared to participate creating this future new world?

Become a co-creator of the future, and as such you must write your new reality and be very clear what you want to experience concerning the future. What is your passion? What are your deepest, burning desires? If you might manifest your naughtiest dreams, what would those be? How do you propose your master ship for the highest good of all and of yourself? Realise your heart desire, aim you on be remain centred on the silence point of the moment and indicated the centre of your own universe, because that is your only point of certainty. When you remain be centred your sacred heart and your intentions are pure, that will create perfect moments which will produce splendid, harmonious surroundings in which all good and beautiful things are possible.
Remember, love is a natural state of Being. Love is a natural, bornin property. When love is the radiating strength in your life, fear disappears. Fear is created by the absence of love. Fear is only an unbalanced frequency state of the spirit is. When you aim yourself to within and address to the source of love in your sacred heart core, first it will fulfil your inner being and radiates to the world. You start to see through eyes with a filter of love, and it changes the way you look at people in your life and to everything what happens there. Make a begin to this process of changing and rewrite your future and that for our children by creating a safe and peaceful future. Know that "You" can make the difference starting with your own heart. If this has touched your heart then I am convinced that we are on the right path. Speak from heart to heart and the world will/can change. Know that "You" are here present on earth at the right moment for just now in these lively times to make the difference and that you're not alone and that you are loved beyond your imaginazing. Remember that it depends on you and that we treat everyone with the highest respect, take good care for each other and play this game on this earth well .......
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