Awareness and notion
The awareness to think and act from a higher notion and level off consciousness for growing to a higher level of consciousness. The first beginning to the higher conscience is working with energy from the cosmos by thoughts/ideas or actions. You can receive several ideas/frequencies. You are aware that you’re not alone in your human body/sheath. You are aware that the higher it always looks within and from yourself. You feel and/or see that the negative energy and/or entities is/are present in environments and/or the surroundings. People under us that are very sensitive, come at the stage of the higher conscience as soon as they know what they are feeling. You can distinguish negative or positive thoughts. You can eliminate negative thoughts; send away with the strength of your own thoughts. You are aware that you have contact with all things where you think of irrespective of the distance of the subject where you think of. This also applies with respect to died persons. You feel and experience now what realises the positive strength of your own mastered and send thoughts to be, and you are aware !
The three phases of growth to awareness and notion
The first phase is fully, awareness and notion (learn to think), the awakeing of the spirit. The second phase is to aim/ give direction to yourself (purpose/mission), the third phase is to target/ give targeting/steering to yourself (acting/actions). If one realises that the first step is the awareness and notion to enlargement of the conscience that’s necessary to transform people, then the foundation can be laid. Without, complete aware of being and (still) realise every situation and change always must be developed again until it is, however, filled in the correct manner/way as a result of which we become eventually aware and can take the next step(s) to a life of awareness. For that understanding is loving self realisation an important step to reach. Making Intentions
Plan the intention to yourself to be open and as well to examine the truths, which have helped you so far this way, and look them again. Make your choices consciously and well-considered with spiritual self-confidence. Embrace every change and understand that every change can lead to a higher aim/purpose. Have the courage to leave old energy behind/separately, and you will see how the circumstances in miraculous ways turn. Have the courage to let loose the pain and stick your hand out to those around you. It is impossible to be alone in the entity conscience. Embrace those who you encounter and have the same aims/purposes and energy vibration. Be there for them and permit them that they also are there for you. Make this intention and look how things, which you have tried in the past suddenly effort with success. When you hold to old ideals your life runs in reverse. The trusted has a strong attraction on people because the ego is motivated by the need for surviving. Change of the point of view from which you examine something, changes you reality. You have then much more control concerning your surroundings/environment then you at the moment can see. Make your intention to see everything from the highest perspective. Develop the good habit to observe firstly. Search a daily attitude which permits that all energy can find its own balance. Every step you make in your life stands right to a choice. Dare to make a choice. The choice which you make has just real value until you full fill it and use it to gain experience himself. That’s the strength of making choices. The second phase -direct/ give direction.
The second phase to awareness is that you aim with your aware spirit and give direction to yourself and your process of changing. To aim consciously you must be permanent persevering, resolute, strong-willed and firm/tenacious so that you will stipulate your vision with these powerful capacities, you plan purposes/aims and realises them, you will set a clear course and afterwards you will see life as a mission to accomplish and you stay on ongoing working on yourself, you pay consciously attention to yourself and you correct and repair yourself on own strength. You aim yourself at positive grow to increase. You use the time which are available not for unimportant things. You are economically, so that every day new increase, insight and awareness bring. You use that increase not for egoistic aims, but put her at of what will arise in the time which is still future. Your will not allow that a day goes by without something is added to what you already knows. You let every day contribute to the maturation process. You will not rest before you have done what you had planned yourself to do. But you think as slow as possible to go forward if necessary in an apprehend tempo. You waste no energy. You want to learn to penetrate live. You aim you at all aspects in live and give direction. You’re searching for strength and control and your spirituality. You go in search of yourself, your truth self, your identity in this life to form itself to how you really want to be, belong to be and expected to be from the higher aim and to that your contribution provides. The next step within the second phase is the search of your truth "I" (who you are), your truth identity, truth way in your self, to form yourself to how you really want to be, and can accept. For this we must analyse the deep dimension of the invisible life in our spirit. The Esoteric Spiritual Core. Absolutely no system in life is complete without spiritual mental awareness and a strong mental training. However, spiritual truth has been based on searching to the true way in life which is based on obstinacy, will strength, consistency and determination/persistency. As people one must first be prepared and open to search the truths which lead to humility and respect for life. The parallels between the physical term and spiritual. Mental terms are important for the study of life. Some examples are that people work hard to raise and refine their physical shortcomings and restrictions, consequently that he/she works rapidly to purify that his/her mental life, this means his/her individuality and weaknesses, his/her relation with others and his/her relation to the creator (God). Inner honesty/sincerity and openness with respect to the way form the basis. The rule is, striving for perfection and accomplish perfect ness. The person in question that on search is must be always alert, ready and watchful for all seductions and negative influences. Alert, when negativity and seductions come look at the corner, noticed and resisted so that these can be transformed to positive. Ready, so that every desired moment can be actively consciously fought and to overcome every negative aspect. Watchfully, for not falling in the past and recurrence. Every detail in life is important! Every effort is a step forward! When there are sufficiently steps taken success or progress are the result. As progress and development continue, the person reaches itself from the inside and becomes consciously of the strength in itself. By the awareness of this strength the person becomes in question aware that he/she clearly begin to form and produce results by aiming his/her strengths with effective perseveringly interpretation. The illusion becomes reality. The person gets more faith, a larger conviction and a stronger belief in itself and stands stronger in life with more grip to itself because he/she believes that to his/her awareness is the key to new life. To add strength and understanding at our search in the second phase/stage is philosophy and meditation an important aspect. The journey to life. The search for the true path in yourself. In this search it is important you are shown the way by another one by yourself from your own awareness that you live your life and form to a larger consciousness/notion of your own responsibility. Live instead of being lived. Taking the responsibility for your own life is the most important step which can make people in its life. All other grow processes are just possible, when you learn to know yourself and with everything what you have to stand behind it. Accomplish loving self realisation in relation with the development of the universe will do you eventually realise that that is the sense of our earthly existence. Searching and obtaining wisdom and justice that for everyone is reachable. Life is a discovery journey to realisation/awareness. Based on empiricism, education that sensual perception the only source is of all knowledge, the law of experience. By experience your knowledge and skills will become increased and the way to wisdom and justice will be closer. Wisdom flows further from knowledge and experience. Every day can be a source of unbelievable wisdom for us if we are prepared to see the spiritual principles which lie under events and circumstances which occur in our life. Wisdom is to have the capacity to act judiciously, knowing much and have insight. You find the way to wisdom inside in yourself. Justice results from acting with justice with a consciousness spirit, justice ness, to show justified/responsible and correctness from a neutral and impartial higher notion. Philosophy can help you understand what the sense and purpose of life are. Philosophy can answer the many questions which people can/must ask/wonder itself if they search inside themselves and tries to find the true path/way. The third phase -steer/ give steering.
The third phase to awareness is to combine with your conscious spirit with the first phase and second phase and to steer and steering/targeting to your spirit. You are now able to control your own thoughts. You are consciously and realise, you have changed in a new reborn person. You have harmonised your ego, character and emotion and under control. You are transformed. You can with your conscious spirit aim your thoughts that you can act to it and you are aware of the energy in yourself and from outside. You know to aim your/the energy and these soon after the third phase to use by steering. You understand life and the philosophy behind it. You have responsibility from a higher notion/ conscious, and you are completely independent. You take control of your life and you dominate concerning yourself. You have the strength to stand on your own legs and have a clear life mission. You understand love and know how to give unconditionally love. Slowly you start to know who you are, what you want and what you can. On behalf of the strength of love is it now time for the next increase and development. After the assumption of the mentality change and the acceptance of it now disciplinary increase can become achieved as a result of which the strength in you can be widened and increased. Learning to carry responsibility concerning yourself and learning to go along with yourself. To add strength and term the third phase also, can we learn to train how we can steer our strongly thoughts and the energy by learning to use the body and the energy. As first we must learn to aim the spirit aim (to see 2e phases) at the intention target, before steering/targeting purposeful. With application of powerful thinking in acting we transform the thoughts/ideas persuading to working energy sent by the spirit through the body. Our body is only one sheath, an appearing form, an appliance to give from to the goals in our life on earth. Use this unique chance of developing, to enjoy life and to search to what you have not yet found and what you consider to be able to find. The offered. Because life what’s not examined/explored is the effort of living not worth. If we continue put our life dependent of GOD without self working for our progress, or to religions, systems or from other people we will obstruct the unique chance to individual increase. Life is short and we are bounded to time which has been put to our available. Use that time at the fullest before it is late and you have not gained the goals in your life you have put to your satisfied expectations. It is just too late if people do not put itself in movement and our last life breath has been blown !